ASHA Holy Cross given skill based refresher course to Anganwadi teachers

The Association for Social & Human Advancement (ASHA) working among the people of Northeast India, is a proud moment for ASHA Holy Cross to organize a 10 days workshop of in-service Anganwadi teachers in collaboration with the Social Welfare & Social Education department of ADC. Altogether 20 participants were identified and selected from 2 districts Dhalai and North Tripura. They represented 6 ICDS jurisdictions such as Jampui Hill, Kanchanpur, Damcherra, Manu, Chawmanu and Dumburnagar.
The training consisted of 35 various topics and 10 different resource persons who had trained the AWW during 10 days of training. The classes are very precise, informative, motivational and an eye opener for most of the AWW trainees. The topics were delivered along with skilled based knowledge, recognizing the potentialities and refreshing them with action songs, rhymes, art works, art displaying, and Ice-breaking games and so on. The AWW trainees were taught child psychology to a certain extent and gave basic trips to deal with the children with mental ability and mental care. The Anganwadi teachers were cautioned to care for the blooming hearts who are entrusted to them at the very age of their first learning in an informal education. The resource persons have enlightened the AWW about the developmental age of the child both in physics and psychic. Most of the teachers participated intensively and interacted as a group in the process of learning. The AWW trainees expressed that overall the training was satisfactory, an eye opener, and innovative in the primary teaching level and skilled based training.
On the last day on Monday , the association had arranged a valedictory function and invited Smt Dolly Reang, Executive Member (EM) of TTAADC, Kumwlung as the Chief Guest of the day. Kajal Rupini, the Supervisor of ICDS of TTAADC was the guest of honour who emphasized the importance of training particularly those who are coming from far-flung villages. Rev.Fr. Jilson Tom csc, the Principal of Holy Cross School, Agartala was the Special Guest of the day .He appreciated and acknowledged the commitment and the hard work of the AWW teachers in different centers. There were many other distinguished guests and invitees were present during valedictory functions.